What is a Trademark?
What is a Trademark? If you have ever wondered what a trademark actually is – this article should help to clear things up. Trademarks are usually among the most essential and valuable assets of a business, brand, product, service, nonprofit or a company. Why? Because trademarks allow the general public to identify goods or services in…
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5 Ways to Protect Your Trademark Have you ever been curious as to what you need to do to protect your trademark both before and after you have it registered? Well, hopefully this article will answer that question as we will share “5 Ways to Protect Your Trademark” Overview Your rights are protected through Federal…
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What does a trademark protect? If you have been hearing people talk about the importance of “trademark protection” for your business or nonprofit, but you don’t seem to understand what that means, don’t worry. Our trademark attorney is here to help you understand with another great article called “What does a trademark protect”. What does…
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What you need to know about the trademark process Before you invest your precious time and money in applying for a federal trademark, there are some very important things that you need to know. Here are three things you need to know about the trademark process. #1 You need to know what you are doing. The…
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