Do you Need A Trademark If You Have Incorporated Your Nonprofit? 

Do you Need A Trademark If You Have Incorporated Your Nonprofit?  Some people think that just because they incorporated or formed their nonprofit with their State that they do not need to apply for a federal trademark to own the name. Please know that registering your nonprofit with your state by filing Articles of Incorporation…

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What is a Name Search?

What is a Name Search? Now that you feel you have chosen a good name, here is how you check to verify if it is available. The only way to know if someone already has the rights to the name that you want to use is to conduct a professional name search. This involves looking…

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6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Name

6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Name Now that you know the legal standard that will be considered if a court ever has to decide if your mark is too similar to someone else’s, you can keep them in mind as you are narrowing down your choices. Here are just a few more factors…

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